
special guests – finally

Finally, after three years of corona and difficulties traveling, my mum and dad could make it to Japan to visit us! For our little family it is a dream come true to have Swedish grandmother and grandfather here, and through the pandemic, while hoping for the day they would arrive, my son and I have […]

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trains and trains

There is a place called Thomas Town, a small Thomas the tank engine theme park, located in a shopping mall outside Tokyo. We had seen it on the Internet long before and when we finally went to Tokyo I decided that I wanted to take my little boy there as I was sure he would

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celebrations and sweden

Recently we went to Tokyo for a shichi-go-san (7-5-3) celebration of our son’s cousin who turned 7 this year. 7-5-3 is a traditional Japanese celebration for the growth and well-being of children, at the ages of 3 and 7 for girls, and 5 and sometimes 3 for boys. Our sons loves his cousins and hasn’t

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a strange face

When I came to Tokyo, I felt like a curiosity. I remember early days standing in front of the traffic lights close to our apartment, waiting for green; often times there would be mothers with babies in strollers or in child carriers also standing there waiting. And more often than not, the little babies could

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park under the highway

a story of a little bird

Under the big highway, on the other side of the road from our apartment, there is a little playground. My wife calls it a park, though for a park it is a quite sad place, a patch of dirt for ball games, a little bit of vegetation, and from our window we can see a

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