new year

hopes for a new year

We have been very fortunate not to have any very serious medical situations with our son. Still, the most difficult and painful part of being a dad I find, is seeing him sick and in discomfort. I cannot count the number of times he has fallen ill with milder or more sever colds and ailments […]

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new year’s traditions

New year in Japan is arguably the most important holiday of the year, and as such is filled with traditions. There is the traditional osetchi-ryōji, many different kinds of new year’s food served in stackable boxes. There is the traditional hatsumōde, the year’s first visit to a shrine or temple. Otoshidama, new year’s money, is

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zero energy

A new year and I start talking about zero energy, that does not sound too good. But it is not about my energy or my wife’s or son’s (although we have been a bit low on energy due to all the colds and last year) but rather our house’s energy use that I am talking

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changing times

A new year always puts a perspective on time, I feel. The breaking point that a new year signifies is both happiness and anxiety, hope and regret, new beginnings and old ends. Looking back at the past year, looking forward to the one coming up, thinking about all that we have experienced, have not done,

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happy new year

I love my life in Japan. I feel more at home than I have ever done. Yet in these holiday times, there is a longing to go back to Sweden and celebrate Christmas and New Year with my big family over there, especially so this year since my European family has not yet had the

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December is always so special. Winter is coming, the beautiful autumn colors are replaced by beautiful trees filled with LED-lamps. In Omotesando the lights in the trees are even dancing to music – it is easy to sense the magic of being alive in a beautiful part of the world. The cool air, the lights,

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