February 2021

four seasons in one day

I was in the bath wondering what I should write about this week when suddenly the song Four Season In One Day started to play in my mind. While it is not always obvious why these kind of what I want to call subconscious associations turn up, this time I at once understood why I […]

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spring is in the air

Between the hostile winter winds and the full bloom allergy chock, there are usually a few weeks every spring to really enjoy. Those weeks the air is soft and the plum blossoms are shining white on naked branches. I believe that period is now – on our daily outing, when walking a narrow street sheltered

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mount fuji

Living in Tokyo with views of Mount Fuji just a few minutes away, I have become, what I can closest describe as, addicted to looking at the mountain. During summer Fujisan (the Japanese name) is often hidden from view by hazy skies but when winter is here she is almost always there at the horizon,

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moments of happiness

Learning Japanese has become somewhat of a lifestyle for me. Given the amount of care and attention a little baby needs, I have tried to incorporate the learning process into daily life as seamlessly as possible. Soon I am sure our son will have Japanese skills far surpassing mine so if I want to be

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