April 2024

charlie chaplin

Sometimes there are coincidences that make life happening around me seem almost choreographed, like a ballet where each pose, each jump is decided beforehand, long before I get to see it. Saturday morning our son was doing funny-walk in the kitchen. He went back and forth in a way that reminded me of Charlie Chaplin, […]

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The new school year has started and for our son that means that he now is in his first year of three where he will wear a kindergarten uniform. Our kindergarten has one formal uniform that the children use when they are going to and from school three days a week, and a sports uniform

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sakura 2024

Living in Japan and writing a blog about everyday life here, avoiding a cherry blossom post in spring feels like something almost unthinkable. The beautiful trees are sparkling everywhere in pink and white, be it in the city, in parks or in the countryside and on the mountain slopes. Going inside, cherry blossom decorations are

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During the school spring break we had dear visitors from Tokyo who used their little holiday to come and spend some days in Fukuoka with us. It was such a happy occasion and our son was thrilled to spend time playing with his older friends. The difficult thing with being the youngest though, is not

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