July 2021

the heat is on

I had been looking forward to the Olympics. We were living in Tokyo, pregnant with our baby, applying for tickets, talking about the the joy of sharing the once in a lifetime experience the Olympics are. Then the pandemic came, the Olympics were postponed, we moved to Fukuoka, the pandemic took a turn for the […]

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a future career

Moving to a new house has meant a lot of IKEA furniture. Coming from Sweden and moreover from a town very close to the first IKEA store, I have grown up with IKEA furniture so using the hex key to assemble a bed or a set of drawers makes me feel like I am back

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Not long ago I found use for the bamboo growing next to our house when we were celebrating Swedish Midsummer. This week it was Japan’s turn to use bamboo for a cultural celebration called Tanabata. Tanabata basically means 7th night, and is a festival usually celebrated on July 7th. Tanabata is a love story with

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battle of wills

When I saw the image of the bicycle on the used items sales site, it was love at first sight. When imagining what bicycle me and our son would be riding around on, a pink ladie’s bike never came to my mind, but seeing this photo took me to a very happy place, and following

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