Whether at home or out and about, my son shares with me what he is seeing in a way that makes me so happy, and I feel so privileged to be able to take part of his worldview. We have a play-at-home day while the rain is pouring down, we find some old boxes and other things meant for the trash, and my son says they belong to a bus and he tapes them together before telling me the bus has a flat tire. We find some wheels we can put on his bus, and then he draws a number plate and happily states that the bus is fixed now. A left over paper plate and some pieces of cheese becomes a face during lunch.

On the train the other day, my son suddenly became very occupied with bandaids. He pointed and talked and looked at me, and finally I understood what this sudden obsession came from. When the sun was shining through the window with a sticker i the middle, the sun made a shape that really looked like a bandaid on the floor of the train. Though my son generally did not like bandaids, this one he liked very much. Before the train ride my son never let me put on a bandaid even if he has scratched his hand and it was bleeding (not even Tomica bandaids, which means he did really really not like bandaids). Papa you can wear it, he said, or just took the bandaid and put it on his toy cars. After our train ride however, bandaids has become his friend and he happily asks me for a plain bandaid if he has a little tiny wound somewhere.

As a parting note, we had lunch in a little cafe not long ago. Imagine my surprise when I learn that there is a ghost dining with us at a table in the corner. Oh happy days of being a dad of a toddler.

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