
I’ve been dreaming about this day for over a year, wondering how I would feel; would the stress diminish, would my outlook on the future change, would my hope of soon being able to go to Sweden with my family grow? I’ve been dreaming about this day, about writing this blog post, and now when the day finally is here, I am almost not able to write anything at all.

I had heard that the second vaccine shot could be tough when it comes to side effects. Fortunately me and my wife had planned our vaccinations on different days and mine on a Saturday so that I could be unwell on Sunday and still hopefully be able to care for our baby when my wife’s work week starts Monday morning; fortunately we had planned well. Today has been really terrible – I cannot remember the last time I felt so sick. So when it comes to my questions above, when it comes to the stress I’ve been feeling since the start of this pandemic, I still have no idea if being fully vaccinated has changed that or not, especially since reading in the news about new variants and booster shots that makes the vaccination feel more and more less than perfect. But still – me and my wife feel good about knowing we have done what we can when it comes to vaccine.

While I have been very stressed about the pandemic my wife has been very calm this whole time. We complement each other well in that way my wife and I; in other areas where my wife can worry I usually feel calm. The good part is that often times one of us can take care of things when the other one feels a bit overwhelmed; actually I’ll leave it at the good part and just hope that in time we will learn more and more from each other and by the time the next pandemic hits I will be able to share my wife’s cool state of mind and just be thankful for being able to live the life I am living. On the way to the hospital and my vaccination we took a little countryside drive and after all, it is difficult not to feel that this must be one of the most beautiful places on earth to live.

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