Today I have finally realized that there are stars everywhere. I woke up this morning by my sun (I was going to write son, and when I reread my text I saw that I had written sun instead, but in this case sun works equally well if not better so I leave it like that) pointing at my pillowcase, saying kira kira. Twinkle twinkle (as in twinkle twinkle little star) is kira kira in Japanese, and for about a week or three, kira kira has become our son’s favorite word. Everything shining or shaped like a star is kira kira. He always wants to take out the garbage with me, and he is so fascinated by the stars he sees in the sky. When we are standing on the street, he reaches towards the stars, opening his hand and says tacchi, touch, waning to touch them. From inside our house, he always goes to a window when it becomes dark to see if he can see the brightest shining star, and when he does he always comes to get me, saying kira kira, pointing at the star through the window.
Today was really kira-kira-day number one – after the pillow, we were having breakfast and our son was happily telling us that there were kira kira on his plate. At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but when I looked closely I could see small elevations at the edge of the plate, forming three little stars. After breakfast, I learned that the toothbrush also seemed to have stars, as well as the diaper package that he took from the locked storage space under the stairs; I though the child locks were supposed to prevent one and a half year old children to get inside by brute force but apparently not… The diapers as well have stars on them. Of course.
Today we were reading a lot of books in which my son found lots of stars and when we were watching som Youtube children’s songs there were stars everywhere as well. When we were playing with LEGO, my son told me that the pieces I thought were flowers were actually stars (some of which I found in our little Christmas tree – it seems like our son thought it lacked some stars for decoration), and on his lunchbox that we always bring when we go out, he showed me that there is a star on the lid that he took off and held up to the sky, saying kira kira.

Dinner was curry-rice, the Japanese way of eating curry, and our son loves his children’s curry and likes to play with the little curry package. Today he came to me and said kira kira, showing me the little star shaped carrots that were swimming in the curry on the photo on the packaging. Before bed we took a bath with the favorite little wood star toy, and after getting dressed (of course his pajamas has stars on it), I learned that the small decorative lights we put in the bedroom were also kira kira.
How magic this Christmas season must seem to him with all the stars and lights everywhere. Now, our sun (yes he really is) is sleeping, no doubt dreaming about his stars. Next to him lies the most beautiful star of them all, sleeping as well.
And soon I will go and join the two stars of my life.
orbiting two stars
life is full of light
not yellow or blue
nor pink nor purple
but the purest
of pure white
shining through a prism
crafted by heavenly beings
showing every color
of this world
and of all worlds beyond

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