Picking my son up from kindergarten has become the highlight of my day. In the beginning I brought the stroller but we seemed to rarely use it so lately we have been walking home together. Or maybe I should say running, our son loves running and sometimes at night before the sun sets, if my wife has finished fork, he even takes his parents out for an evening run together. I cannot help but wonder if he does not get to run around so much at his kindergarten, since he always seems so full of energy even after a whole day’s play.

Another evening activity is helping his dad watering the grass and plants in our little garden. He insists on helping me, and also insists of watering his own way. The other day was a particularly beautiful afternoon, and my son was particularly fond of watering, told me we need to water all the brown grass while pointing the spray towards the sky instead. I asked him to water the grass and the plants, he told me that he can do that by himself and that I should step back, all pointing the water everywhere but towards the grass.
We both had a great time − my son playing with the water and me taking photos. It makes for fun pictures, watering the air surrounding you. Both of us were quite wet but happy when it was time to go inside to get changed and make dinner. And it turned out that playing with water makes for good appetite!

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