December is always so special. Winter is coming, the beautiful autumn colors are replaced by beautiful trees filled with LED-lamps. In Omotesando the lights in the trees are even dancing to music – it is easy to sense the magic of being alive in a beautiful part of the world. The cool air, the lights, holding a warm hand – time seems to move slowly. December starts and still so many days left of this year. So many days to prepare at home, listen to Christmas music, decorate, make New Years cards, write New Years card, go to the post office with New Years cards. No need to hurry it seems. We have plenty of time my love, time to enjoy this season.
December is always so special. Winter is here and there is plenty of time to write New Years cards. Or so it seems – suddenly, without having had time to enjoy the wonders of December, the deadline for having overseas cards delivered in time is already come, if not already gone. I queued at the post office for what seems like an hour – maybe our cards to Sweden will arrive in time, maybe not. But they are sent, and now I will do a proper end of the year house cleaning. And some little end of the year decorating, one corner Japanese style, one corner Swedish. Then we have balance in our house. Balance in our life, in our existence in a world that sometimes moves slowly, where change seems to take eons. And sometimes instantaneously shifts appearance in a way that just seconds ago seemed like an impossibility. This dual feeling of passage of time – maybe it always exists but for me it certainly lights up in December.
December is always so special. And especially so this year – we will not go anywhere, just be together in Tokyo the three of us, that is the plan. Taking care of each other. Taking care of our little miracle moving around inside my wife. Listening to Christmas music. Walking the streets in light-uped glory. Holding hands. Celebrating a very happy Japanese new year. And enjoying the duality of time that inherently exists in a life when expecting a baby.
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