
Even though it has been a very hot summer, we have been trying to do a lot of fun’s things during this year’s summer holiday. Since 35 degrees and sun is not well suited for outdoor play in the park, we have explored fun activities appropriate for a hot summer. Thus we have visited the indoor pool for cooling water play, we have gone on ice cream excursions, we have had late afternoon trips to the beach. And we had a play day at IKEA.

Being from Sweden, going to IKEA always feels a little bit like going back home – the meatballs taste just the same and on the back of the shirt worn by all staff it says Hej!, meaning hello. It was time to find a shelf and mat for our son’s room, so one day we decided to enjoy going to the Fukuoka part of Sweden and have a look at the furniture and eat an IKEA-lunch. While our son let his parents choose the shelf, he insisted on choosing the mat and so of course we came home with a colorful play-mat with roads and buildings, rail road tracks and all fun things for a young car-loving boy. As it happened, it turned out to be a very good choice since the colors matched nicely with the other colors of his room.

We bought a low white shelf, and I had planned for us to assemble it the next day, but our son was so excited about getting a shelf for his room that we ended up building it after dinner instead. It was the first time assembling furniture for him, so he was very curious about the instructions that resembled what he looks at when doing LEGO, so although a new experience it was at the same time very familiar to him, looking at the drawings following the instructions. We concluded that it was a little bit like building very very big LEGO, and unlike when doing LEGO my son was able to use his toy hammer, much to his joy!

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