Every now and then, my son and I try our hand on cooking something new. Japanese gyoza dumplings are a favorite of my son’s. We normally buy frozen vegetable and minced meat gyoza at the grocery store. They are pre-made so we only need to fry them, but there is something about making things from scratch so we decided to give making gyoza a try. Actually, from scratch is a little bit too much to say – we bought the gyoza dough, thin round sheets – but we mixed the filling and while I put the minced meat and chopped cabbage mix on the dough, my son folded the dough, used some water on his finger to water the edges and then he made the half moon shaped dumplings and thoroughly pressed around the edge with his fingers to glue the upper and bottom edges together. Then we fried them and were going to have them for dinner.

It was great fun to do, but unfortunately my son did not at all like the taste of these home-made gyoza – I wonder what they put in the pre-made ones… Next time I will add some other spice. And maybe we will try our hands on making the dough as well.
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