My son farmor, grandmother, worked many many years as a Swedish language teacher for children with Swedish as a second language. What better way for a little Japanese speaking child to improve his Swedish than playing and reading and going shopping and cooking with my mom! During our time in Sweden, my son has been so happy speaking Swedish all day every day and I only wish my wife did not have to work and go back home to Japan before us so that she could have immersed herself in Swedish. Maybe next time she can also join my mom’s ”school”.
A few days before our flight back, my mom took out a DVD with a television Christmas calendar from many years back. Pettson and Findus it is called, and it is a cute story about a quirky old man and his frisky cat living together in an old house on a little farm. After having read many books with Pettson and Findus during the Christmas holidays, my son was so eager to see this television show. Since it is a Christmas calendar there are 24 short episodes and by the time we left Sweden I think son and grandmother had watched half of them, and they were laughing and talking about Pettson and Findus all the time. It was quite difficult for my son to leave in the middle, so he is now really looking forward to going back to Sweden and continue watching Pettson and Findus (and of course see his grandmother and grandfather again). It is good training, I tell him – some things are worth waiting a long time for.
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